Chemical and molecular signatures measured at a distance with high dynamic range
Block is preparing to launch the second generation of its award-winning LaserScan, a standoff chemical sensor that optically detects, identifies, images and maps substances on surfaces.
LaserScan provides chemical detection at a standoff distance of ½ to 5 meters away and can be customized for longer distances. Utilizing infrared hyperspectral imaging and absorption spectroscopy, LaserScan can identify trace substances and bulk materials. It can also detect and map sub-micron films based on their absorption characteristics.
At the heart of the sensor is a next-generation widely tunable Quantum Cascade Laser (QCL), which gives LaserScan sensitivities that are orders of magnitude greater than alternative spectroscopy sensors such as Raman or Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR).
LaserScan operates between 5.4-12.8 µm (780-1890 cm-1) where most substances of concern have unique identifying signatures.
Mode of Operation and Library
The sensor can be configured in benchtop, tripod, or gantry-mounted configurations (and soon robot-mounted and hand-held instruments), which provide high-quality reflectance spectra from interrogated materials and surfaces. LaserScan then analyzes these spectra against preconfigured libraries. This allows the sensor to adapt to a variety of applications (and quickly address emerging threats) by tailoring the library to relevant substances.
Comparison to FTIR and Raman
LaserScan directs more energy at a specific wavelength to the sample than an FTIR spectrometer can. This provides higher sensitivity and higher power density measurements, especially from diffuse and highly absorbing materials and substrates.
Other advantages over FTIR include portability, ruggedness, fast analysis in seconds, and the ability to work at a safe distance. While FTIR can perform passive standoff to detect large gas clouds, FTIRs cannot offer active standoff capabilities. This makes it difficult to quickly scan surfaces and avoid contamination.
Raman systems require near-contact with the surface to be tested, and often use a powerful, non-eye-safe laser beam. Raman is also not sensitive enough to detect trace materials. The LaserScan's long standoff distance and large, eye-safe, collimated beam allow for faster surface scanning and easier field operation. Furthermore, LaserScan does not create a fire or detonation hazard with darkly colored materials and avoids sample degradation or thermal damage.
LaserScan is designed for applications in a wide variety of industries including:
Security and Defense operations to attain, establish, and obtain standoff detection for trace and bulk threats
Contaminants: detection of unwanted contaminants
Geology and Mining
Coatings: detection of coatings to ensure proper application (QA/QC)
Curing Monitoring
Block has delivered advanced prototypes of the LaserScan to the Department of Defense and the Department of Homeland Security for detection of explosives and chemical warfare agents. However, each commercial application may require custom algorithms or spectral pre- or post- processing. Block's engineers are adept at working with with customers to tailor or customize LaserScan to their unique requirements.
Contact us to discuss how the LaserScan can help with your application needs. Block's award-winning development team would be happy to discuss how our design services can help you reach your goals.